Do analysts believe Biomx (USA Stocks:PHGE) will continue to surge?
By Aina Ster | Macroaxis Story |
Biomx Inc. (PHGE), a player in the Biotechnology industry, has been on the radar of analysts who predict a potential bullish surge. The consensus among analysts is a "Strong Buy", with a potential upside price of $8.16, a substantial increase from its 200 Day MA of $0.316 and 50 Day MA of $0.3114. The company has been showing a Beta of 1.2893, indicating a higher level of volatility compared to the market. Biomx's financial health, however, raises some concerns. The company reported a net income loss of $28.3M and an operating income loss of $27.2M. The total revenue stands at a negative $134K, while the net interest income also reported a loss of $1.6M. Despite these figures, the company's valuation real value stands at $1.9, significantly higher than its valuation market value of $0.4. The company's shares short have decreased from 100.4K in the prior month to 20.9K, indicating a potential increase in investor confidence. The analyst's target price estimated value stands at $6.5, with the highest estimated target price at $7 and the lowest at $6. In terms of risk, the company's standard deviation stands at 7.44, with a downside deviation of 7.16. The maximum drawdown is at 46.26, indicating the potential risk of investment. However, the company's potential upside is at 12.5, and the Treynor Ratio is at 10.33, suggesting a good potential return for the risk taken. In conclusion, despite the financial losses, Biomx Inc. shows promising signs of a bullish surge according to analysts. However, potential investors should be aware of the associated risks. Biomx Inc. is set to announce its earnings today, with the forthcoming quarterly report anticipated on August 9, 2023. While some shareholders are showing indifference towards the biotechnology sector, we will assess the viability of purchasing Biomx as a potential hedging tool for your existing portfolios. Our evaluation will determine if Biomx shares are reasonably priced in light of the most recent economic outlook.
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Reviewed by Vlad Skutelnik
Biomx Inc. has a performance score of 9 on a scale of 0 to 100. The company's Beta, a measure of market volatility, is 0.0624, indicating relatively minor fluctuations compared to the market. In this context, Biomx's beta suggests that as market returns increase, Biomx's returns are expected to increase less than the market. Conversely, during a bear market, the loss on holding Biomx is expected to be smaller.
It's important to consider Biomx Inc.'s historical returns, but one should also be cautious when interpreting the information related to the equity's current trending patterns. The approach to predicting the future performance of any stock involves evaluating the business as a whole, along with its past performance, including all available fundamental and technical indicators.
We have identified twenty-one technical indicators for Biomx Inc., which can be used to assess the company's performance. Please utilize Biomx Inc.'s Treynor Ratio, as well as the relationship between the potential upside and expected shortfall, to make a swift decision on whether Biomx's price patterns will revert.
Detailed assessment
Biomx Inc. (PHGE) has shown potential for a bullish surge with its latest metrics. The biotechnology company's shares have seen a high of $1.17 over the past 52 weeks, and its current price is $0.4, indicating a potential upside of 12.5%. The company's risk-adjusted performance stands at 0.0701, with a total risk alpha of 0.0343, indicating a favorable risk-return trade-off. However, investors should note the company's financial health, with a net income reported as a loss of $28.3M and total revenue reported as a loss of $134K. Given the company's high coefficient of variation (1.1K), investing in Biomx Inc. involves a high degree of risk. Therefore, potential investors should weigh these factors carefully before deciding to invest in Biomx Inc. What is the right price you would pay to acquire a share of Biomx? For most investors, it would be the price that gives them a wide margin of safety to have minimal downside risk. In other words, most investors are always looking for undervalued stocks. Even if the future performance is not entirely as expected, the loss of holding it is minimized, and the downside risk is negated. Please read more on our stock advisor page.Watch out for price decline
Please consider monitoring Biomx on a daily basis if you are holding a position in it. Biomx is trading at a penny-stock level, and the possibility of delisting is much higher compared to other stocks. However, just because the stock is trading under one dollar, does not mean it will be marked for deletion. Most exchanges require public instruments, such as Biomx stock to be traded above the $1 level to remain listed. If Biomx stock price falls below $1 for 30 consecutive trading days, the exchange can delist it. Once the company reaches this point, they will be sent an initial price violation notice directly from an exchange.
What is happening with Biomx Inc this year
Annual and quarterly reports issued by Biomx Inc are formal financial statements that are published yearly and quarterly and sent to Biomx stockholders. The reports show and break down the current year's ongoing operations and discuss plans for the upcoming year. Annual reports have been a requirement from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for businesses owned by the public since 1934.
Companies such as Biomx often view their annual report as an effective marketing tool to disseminate their perspective on company future earnings or innovations. With this in mind, many companies devote large sums of money to making their reports attractive and informative. In such instances, the annual report becomes a forum through which a company can communicate to the general public any number of topics that may or may not be directly related to the actual data published in the reports.
Biomx Gross Profit
Biomx Gross Profit growth is one of the most critical measures in evaluating the company. The Gross Profit growth rate is calculated simply by comparing Biomx previous period's values with its current period's values. Each time period you're measuring should be of equal lengths the increase or decrease, in a company's Gross Profit between two periods. Here we show Biomx Gross Profit growth over the last 10 years. Please check Biomx's gross profit and other fundamental indicators for more details.
What is driving Biomx Investor Appetite?
Biomx Inc. (PHGE: US Stock Exchange), a player in the Biotechnology industry, has been showing signs of potential bullish movement. Despite a net income loss of $28.3M and an operating income loss of $27.2M, the company has managed to maintain a healthy current ratio of 7.44X, indicating its ability to cover short-term liabilities. The firm's total assets stand at $45.53M, with cash and equivalents amounting to $45.74M. This liquidity is further backed by a working capital of $28.94M. The company's shares are majorly held by insiders and institutions, with 14.40% and 19.62% respectively, suggesting confidence in the company's future prospects. The stock's 50-day moving average is at $0.3114, and the 200-day moving average stands at $0.316, indicating a potential upside. However, investors should be aware of the company's high probability of bankruptcy at 96.00%, and a Z score of -4.69, which suggests financial distress. The firm's beta of 1.29 also indicates a higher market risk. In conclusion, while Biomx Inc. shows signs of a potential bullish surge, investors should consider the high risk involved and tread cautiously.
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