Fundamental Analysis Stories
Does FREYR Battery (USA Stocks:FREY) have strong technical and fundamental indicators based on the current rise?
over two weeks ago at Macroaxis By Gabriel Shpitalnik |
When it comes to investing, numbers often tell the story. FREYR Battery's financial health paints a picture of a company with potential. With a robust current ratio of 11.74x, FREYR demonstrates a strong ability to cover its short-term liabilities, which total $97.5M, with its current assets of $312M. Continue Reading...
- Latest FREYR Battery appoints new CEO with 800K salary
- FREY 2.07 -0.07
- Low 2.05
- High 2.19
- Volume 994 K
- Alpha 0.33
- Beta 6.99
- Return On Equity -0.18
- Return On Asset -0.12
- Current Valuation 21.12 M
- Shares Outstanding 139.7 M
- Shares Owned By Insiders 16.02 %
- Shares Owned By Institutions 41.28 %
- Number Of Shares Shorted 12.01 M
- Price To Book 0.47 X
- EBITDA (133.25 M)
- Net Income (71.94 M)
- Cash And Equivalents 484.2 M
- Cash Per Share 4.15 X
- Total Debt 22.2 M
- Debt To Equity 0.03 %
- Current Ratio 11.74 X
- Book Value Per Share 3.83 X
- Cash Flow From Operations (87.93 M)
- Short Ratio 2.26 X
- Earnings Per Share (0.11) X
- Target Price 2.0
- Number Of Employees 263
- Beta 0.72
- Market Capitalization 298.97 M
- Total Asset 732.18 M
- Retained Earnings (275 M)
- Working Capital 516.88 M
- Net Asset 732.18 M
- Accumulation Distribution 63543.38
- Daily Balance Of Power (0.50)
- Rate Of Daily Change 0.97
- Day Median Price 2.12
- Day Typical Price 2.1
- Price Action Indicator (0.09)
- Period Momentum Indicator (0.07)
- Relative Strength Index 75.76
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Reviewed by Vlad Skutelnik
Root Inc's recent price surge has caught the attention of investors, but a closer look at its fundamentals is essential to gauge its long-term potential. The company, operating in the Insurance - Property & Casualty sector, has a market capitalization of 1.11B, indicating a significant presence in the market. However, with an EPS estimate for the current year at a loss of 1.38, questions arise about its profitability trajectory.
over three weeks ago at Macroaxis By Gabriel Shpitalnik |
Root Inc, operating in the property and casualty insurance sector, presents a unique investment opportunity with some intriguing fundamentals. Despite facing a significant EBIT loss of 155.2M, the company maintains a solid cash position with 886.1M in cash and equivalents, which provides a cushion for ongoing operations and potential growth initiatives. The firm's enterprise value to revenue ratio of 0.67 suggests that it might be undervalued compared to its revenue-generating potential.
over three weeks ago at Macroaxis By Nico Santiago |
Charles & Colvard's stock, priced at $1.24 per share, appears overvalued given its modest future outlook. The company has a Sharpe Ratio of -0.0871, indicating a negative return per unit of risk over the past three months. With twenty-three technical indicators available, investors can assess the stock's price volatility. To verify our risk assessment, please check Charles & Colvard's mean deviation of 3.01 and a Risk Adjusted Performance of -0.05.
Important Highlights
Charles & Colvard's recent minor dip in stock price might be an enticing opportunity for investors who are willing to look past the immediate challenges and focus on its underlying fundamentals. Despite a loss of 19.6M in net income applicable to common shares, the company maintains a solid book value per share of 10.19X, suggesting that the stock could be undervalued relative to its intrinsic worth, especially for those with a long-term investment horizon.over a month ago at Macroaxis By Nico Santiago |
US Bancorp currently has a performance score of 6 out of 100. With a Beta of 1.39, the stock is relatively volatile compared to the market. This means it tends to rise more when the market is up but also falls more when the market is down.
over a month ago at Macroaxis By Aina Ster |
Investors in IMAC Holdings (NASDAQ: BACK) are grappling with conflicting fundamentals that may be contributing to the stock's recent decline. The company reported a staggering loss of 2.8M in cash from operating activities, raising concerns about its financial health. With a current valuation of 7.04M and a price-to-book ratio of just 0.54X, the stock appears undervalued, yet the negative earnings per share estimate of 3.48 for the next year casts a shadow over its potential recovery.
over two months ago at Macroaxis By Ellen Johnson |
Currently, we view Stitch Fix stock as a risky investment. The company has an Efficiency Ratio (or Sharpe Ratio) of 0.0107, meaning it earned just 0.0107% for every unit of risk taken over the past three months. We’ve identified twenty-eight technical indicators that can help assess the company’s volatility.
over two months ago at Macroaxis By Raphi Shpitalnik |
In the world of investing, the right indicators can illuminate the path to potential growth. Portage Biotech (NASDAQ: PRTG) has recently caught the eye of investors, especially following its notable stock surge. The company operates in the biotechnology sector and has a modest cash flow of $10.5M, but it faces challenges with retained earnings showing a loss of 239.3M.
over two months ago at Macroaxis By Ellen Johnson |
In the world of investing, every dip can be a potential opportunity. Mesa Air Group has recently seen its stock price decline by 2%, even as the broader market enjoys gains. The company operates in the passenger airline sector and reported total revenue of $498.1 million, but it’s facing significant challenges, including an EBIT loss of 37.2 million and retained earnings of 71.1 million.
over two months ago at Macroaxis By Raphi Shpitalnik |
Advent Technologies Holdings has a Beta of 1.19, indicating it carries a higher risk compared to the overall market. This means that when the market rises, Advent is likely to perform better, but in a downturn, it may lag behind. Currently, the stock has a negative expected return of -0.79%.
over two months ago at Macroaxis By Aina Ster |