The Rise of Payment Options in Trading and Online Gaming Platforms

Online trading and gaming platforms might seem a bit confusing when you first start but try to remember two things, the iGaming industry alone is said to be worth over 150 billion dollars by 2030 and everything that you do not know at first seems a bit tricky but if billions of people across the world can trade and play online, then you should be absolutely fine.

Published over a month ago
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Reviewed by Raphi Shpitalnik

Online trading and gaming platforms have become significantly influenced by the rise of digital payment systems. Traditional banking methods, such as credit and debit cards, are gradually being replaced or supplemented by digital wallets and instant payment options, which allow users to process transactions faster, meeting the constant demands of a global and fast-paced market. The article highlights the importance of these financial technologies in attracting and retaining users for online platforms in both gaming and trading spheres.

The rise of online payments has not only significantly contributed to the online trading and gaming world but has actually needed to develop, to cater to the increasing global demands of players and traders like yourself who are spotted all around the globe. This article aims to shed light on everything you need to know about digital payment options.

A Time That is Well and Truly Almost Over

Remember credit and debit cards? No that's just a little joke, of course you remember them, they're still important today, however, based on traditional banks with high fees and mean guidelines is something that is well and truly in the past. Many of you now have multiple debit and credit cards from companies that are not even based in the country you're in. The rise of geographical independence is certainly something that has come about over the past decade. You can now carry different cards from different regions that are all based on online banks. Therefore, the rise of digital wallets and alternative digital payment streams is where society finds itself today.

Instant Payments Are Here To Stay

As mentioned above, online payments have developed over the past decade, with one particular form really shining more than others and those are the ones that accept and perform instant payments. As a gamer, you know that you want to be able to make trades and moves at the drop of a hat. You do not want to sit around and wait for funds, you want things to happen instantaneously. Using payment methods that you can cash in instantly like Instadebit and the like is therefore crucial for any online gaming or trading platform that hopes to attract new players. You don't ever want to have to sit around and wait a few times for a deposit or withdrawal to happen, in this global world and the fast-paced speed at which it moves, gaming sites need to keep up with the pace of how their clients and customers want things and that is instantaneous. 

The Impact of Digital Wallets

As you can probably tell, digital wallets look like they are here to stay. Gone are the days of waiting around for the check and now gone are the days of waiting for two or three business days for a transfer, things are as instant as they are global and this has an impact on you. So if you would like to know more then take a look at this list below:

  • Enhanced user experience: you can't deny that being able to make payments when and how you want to doesn't make your life a whole lot better. If you log onto a bank now and it tells you that you either couldn't send the funds to the game you wanted to or that you couldn't make a certain trade in time, chances are you'd skip that bank forever. Can you believe that that was how things used to be? Thanks to the rise of digital nature and the advancements of technology, your online banking and payment experience just got a whole lot better.
  • Lower Fees: another great thing about all these digital payment methods that are cropping up is the fact that they're, well, digital. What does this mean for you? It means that you don't have to pay the high fees you're used to because the bank does not have its usual overheads of rent and large volumes of staff. Paying little to no fees is actually part and parcel of the digital transactional world.
  • Ability to make payments across borders: playing games and making trades is not really a local thing. You usually want to play a game that is based halfway across the world from you or partake in a trading scheme that isn't in your country. Therefore, being able to use digital banks that are not rooted in one location but rather all over the world makes this much easier. For example, if you had an account with a bank like Wise, you could pick as many currencies as you wanted and each of those currencies would have its own bank details and address, which allows you to make as many international transfers as you like.
  • More digital safety: another thing you may not have thought about but is crucial is that with digital payments, online safety became a whole lot sturdier because it had to. Suddenly governments got involved and now you can make payments with secure features like never before.

Times Have Changed

As you can see from the above, times have certainly changed. What was once considered normal in payments is not old-school. Everything has become increasingly online and digital, which has had a major impact on the world of gaming and trading. It will be interesting to see how the world continues to evolve over the next few years and which other upgrades are sure to come about.

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